
Alchemi Lab Inc.

We'll teach you the right way of investing through our services.

  • # AI
  • # Blockchain
  • # FinTech

Company Introduction

Company information

Sam Kim
6F #06-102, 83, Uisadang-daero, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Business Model

We help users to make rational decision when investing. We've successfully revived the Nobel Prize winning algorithm "Modern Portfolio Theory" with the help of the probabilistic deep learning. We currently serve this tech to users in two ways: hedge fund & self recipe. Self Recipe is a trading interface solution where users can graphically see the future uncertainty of tradable

Product / Service

Self Recipe

A trading interface where 74% of users win (annually)

The win probability of trading is 50%, but studies reveal that 95% of people are losing. We think there is a behavioral finance issue here. We invented a way to graphically show users the information of the future uncertainty, and magically 74% of users turned to winners.


A trading interface where you can trade "with" the AI

Users are tired of both direct and indirect investing. They want a rational help of AI. We've created a single trading interface that harnesses both the direct and indirect investing and also the AI guided investing. A CBT version of this service sees to launch on October 2023.

Team Members

  • Sam Kim
    • CIO & quant fund manager @ Dunamu Investment
    • Team head of Index Factory @ KG Zeroin Fund Ratings
    • Product specialist @ Mirae Asset Global Investment
  • Winston Won
    • Researcher @ UNIST Neuro Science Research Lab
    • B.S. in Physics & Computer Science, UNIST
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